Allegations, safeguarding & misconduct policy
For Candidates & Schools
This guidance applies to anyone employed by Trust Education including our directors, staff, and any candidates registered with us. Any member of staff or candidate who wishes to raise a concern regarding their conditions at work (or similar), or organisation who wishes to complain about our services should use our complaint procedure.
Trust Education follow strict standards to ensure we promote the well-being of all children. We follow strict compliance standards and ensure that all candidates/staff that we supply to our clients are of the highest professional and personal calibre. As part of this, we follow safer recruitment guidance, REC standards and DFE guidance before placing candidates into any workplace but especially those where children may be present. We also take seriously any concerns raised regarding our staff and our candidates.
Raising concerns
A concern may be raised against an adult which suggests that they may be a risk to a child. This includes people who may:
- have behaved in a way that could have harmed a child
- have harmed a child
- possibility of engaging in criminal activity involving a child
- behaving in a way towards a child(ren) that indicates they may pose a risk
- behaviour that shows they are not suitable for work with children
Where concerns are raised about a candidate Trust Education will ask for a full report via email. We will then assess the potential risk and ask for a report from whom the allegation has been made against. Reports will be made to the relevant body where necessary. We will support any school who makes any referral to the DBS, TRA or LADO.
All allegations and investigations will be conducted confidentially, by a director or branch manager.
All candidates registering with Trust Education are given an Induction booklet that includes a code of conduct and safeguarding information. Which includes the following;
- Ensure that, whenever possible, there is more than one adult present during activities with children and young people, or at least that you are within sight or hearing of others
- Keep the working day confidential. Do not discuss anything that has happened that day in a public place
- Alert a colleague if it is strictly necessary to speak to a child on their own. This should not be in a secluded area of the school, and you should ensure visual access and/or an open door
- You should challenge unacceptable behaviour by another member of staff and bring this to the immediate attention of the designated senior person, or another senior manager
- Report any concerns to the DSL as soon as possible. If you are unsure how to approach the DSL, please contact Trust Education
- Where possible always familiarise yourself with the school’s policies on protection, safeguarding and behaviour
- If a child is in immediate danger always contact the DSL, police, or social services
- You should immediately write down any concerns and discuss with the DSL. Any allegations should be reported to Trust Education, we will then ask you to securely forward on your allegation in writing (In line with GDPR any confidential information should always be sent password protected)
Any candidate who is found to not be following the above procedures will be brought into branch, where they will be re-inducted immediately.
Allegation procedures
There are many things to consider during an allegation:
- Is this a police investigation of a criminal offence.
- Enquiries and assessment by Children's Social Care to ascertain whether a child or young person needs protection or is in need of services; and
- Does this need to be referred to LADO for investigation
- Consideration by an employer of disciplinary action in respect of the individual, or any referrals needed
All our policies and processes ensure that all candidates understand that it is their responsibility to protect children from abuse or neglect. During registration our candidates are given a code of conduct which gives guidance on what behaviour is expected from candidates when on each placement, and clearly lines out their responsibilities.
All allegations against candidates who work with children are taken seriously. Any corresponding action necessary to address the welfare of other children and support needs should be taken without delay and in a coordinated manner, to prevent the need for further safeguarding in future.
The following actions required following an allegation against the candidate;
- Any allegation against people who work with children should be reported immediately to [email protected], where this will be kept securely. Any personal or extremely confidential information should be sent password protected. Each allegation will initially be dealt with by the branch manager (BM) and information sent to the designated safeguarding lead (DSL)
- Initial investigations will include making decisions into whether action needs to be taken with urgent referrals (i.e Social Services / the police, LADO, TRA)
- Any allegations we are unsure about will be consulted with the relevant LADO
- Each stage will be record by the branch manager discussions about the allegations will only be discussed by the BM and DSL
- The candidate will be immediately suspended from our supply register
- At an agreed appropriate time, the BM / DSL will make the person concerned aware of their rights under employment legislation and any internal processes. The candidate will be asked to write a full and comprehensive statement and email this into Trust Education. The candidate will be always made aware of the process and treated fairly and full supported by Trust Education
- Any decision by LADO, the police, Social Services or TRA will be followed by Trust Education. Where the candidate is able to still work for Trust Education, a candidate will be fully re-inducted by Trust Education, to ensure they are aware of all policies and procedures within an educational setting
- Any information and outcomes will be securely stored, and any action points / referrals will be made immediately. We will continue to support the candidate where appropriate
- Any allegation which is proven to be false, unsubstantiated or malicious will not be included in any reference provided by Trust Education
Contact Details
DBS referrals
Complete the referral from; and return to;
Disclosure and Barring Service
PO Box 3963Royal Wootton Bassett
SN4 4HH.
TRA referrals
Teacher misconduct
Ground Floor, SouthCheylesmore House
5 Quinton Road
CV1 2WT.
Email: [email protected]
Telelphone: 020 7593 5393
Safeguarding information
Before signing out application form, all candidates must read the following links regarding safeguarding and child protection. During registration they will ask any questions on the information given and sign the application form (confirming that they have read and understood the information).
Download Trust Education Child Protection Policy PDF Download KCSIE_2022_Part_One.pdf registration our candidates are given a full “candidate induction booklet”. This includes the following information;
- Candidate code of conduct
- Safeguarding information
- UK GDPR in education (full information on keeping schools secure)
Every year Trust Education will send out the latest guidance on Keeping Children safe in education, to both candidates and internal staff members. Training will be given to any new starter internally and as our continued commitment to safeguarding any updates will be sent out immediately, with a response required from each internal staff member.
Download Policy